Another new blockbuster appeared on Steam, gamers were not happy and quickly worried about “scams”.

Steam gamers have reason to feel concerned about this new product.

Dark Messi of Might and Magic – a game that is nearly 20 years old but is still leaving countless impressions on players. Of course, this is not a name that is too familiar to most gamers, but many people who have experienced it think it is one of the “greatest” action role-playing works ever. today, laying the foundation for the development of this game series. And recently, gamers were once again excited by the new appearance of Alkahest – a game that is said to be greatly inspired by Dark Messi of Might and Magic.

Not officially launched yet, but right now Alkahest already has its own Steam page. This game is described in the most flattering terms “”Alkahest is an action-adventure RPG set in a dark medieval world, where melee combat plays a central role”. It sounds very normal, but what makes gamers most interested is in the trailer video of this game. Notably, it is so beautiful, so sparkling and eye-catching that many people give it to them that this could absolutely be a blockbuster, a new masterpiece. But in the opposite direction, many opinions are also concerned that this game could become the next “scam”.

The reason for such concern is because not long ago, The Day Before also had such attractive advertisements. But then, from being the most anticipated game on Steam, it quickly turned into the “scam of the century” when it closed after only a few days of launch and of course, everything was completely different from what was advertised. previous report. Alkahest can completely “follow” such a path, especially in the context that the game’s developers also have to admit that the trailer uses some scenes from the game but also has some Camera angles and animations were created specifically for the sake of attention.

It is known that the developers of Alkahest started the project in 2023 and have a total of 42 employees working on this game. As expected, the trial version of the game will be released privately in a few months. It’s unknown whether Alkahest will be a new blockbuster or follow the “negative” path of The Day Before, but perhaps gamers also need to consider before ordering this game early.

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