League of Legends: New champion Aurora causes intense controversy!

Recently, according to many sources, the appearance of the new champion Aurora is causing many League of Legends gamers to talk excitedly.

Recently, League of Legends officially introduced the game’s next new champion – “rabbit” Aurora. What’s worth noting is that in the video introducing Aurora, this character hardly says a word. Instead, Ornn is the storyteller and communicator, describing Aurora’s journey to help a friend. This makes the character mysterious and attracts the attention of the gaming community.

In appearance, Aurora belongs to the Vastaya race, with rabbit-like ears, tail and feet. Her weapon is a small wand forged by Ornn. Aurora will play the role of Mage and seems to be suitable for the Top Lane position according to leaked information.

According to datamine from BigBadBear, Aurora possesses special eyes capable of controlling ghosts. She also has the ability to transform into an “evil entity” in her ultimate move. Besides, one of Aurora’s moves is called “Exorcism” or “Exorcism”. It’s possible that Aurora’s skill set will involve using souls, ghosts, or transformations to heal, increase endurance, and deal damage, like Yorick or Swain.

Some gamers are worried that Aurora could become a new “super bloodsucking” tool for Riot, based on the “Bunny Girl” image often associated with charm and sexiness. The introduction of a rabbit-like female Vastaya could lead to extremely sexy outfits. With her rabbit shape, red hair, and glasses, Aurora could become a hot topic in the gaming community.

According to the above metaphor, the image of “Bunny Girl” is actually not strange to League of Legends gamers. Riot has applied this image to the Super Beast Squad and Jade Rabbit skin groups with characters like Miss Fortune, Riven…

So it wouldn’t be too surprising if Riot Games applied this to a “real Bunny Girl” like Aurora. Therefore, it is only a matter of sooner or later for Aurora to become a topic for “adult” products.

In addition, after announcing the purchase price of skin packages in the HoL Faker event, Riot Games created an extremely “deep” impression of “blood-sucking”. Coincidentally, Aurora’s time was too close to this event, so the League of Legends community had such “extreme” thoughts.

Hopefully Riot Games will not realize the above ideas and turn Aurora into a new “blood-sucking machine” in the future. Otherwise, they will face huge opposition from the community.

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