Two League of Legends champions who are Riot’s biggest failures are about to be put on the chopping block.

These two champions have two completely different fates in League of Legends but are both huge failures for Riot.

In League of Legends up to now, there have always been many champions that have been, are and will be released. Recently, Riot continued to introduce a new general, Aurora, and this general is considered to be a Top Lane Mage. However, as is customary, when Riot releases new champions, it also plans to edit or completely redo old champions. And in fact, in recent years, there have been many generals that have been reworked or newly released but do not meet the requirements of gamers. And among these, there are two champions with opposite fates, but are both considered “Riot’s failures”, namely K’Sante and Naafiri.

It can be said that in the history of League of Legends up to now, there have been many “badass” but famous names and even Riot itself had to include an immortal meme about this general in the Loading Screen section, which is a rare thing. Have. Indeed, K’Sante is up to now an “extremely faulty” product of Riot. No matter how bad the laning phase is, at the end of the game, K’Sante can still roam alone amidst the siege of 3 or 4 enemies at the same time. And perhaps, if K’Sante loses the match, it could only be because the opponent is too superior.

At MSI 2024 alone, K’Sante appeared 63 times (picked 51, banned 12). In particular, K’Sante only has a 51% win rate, but this is the only general chosen more than 20 times. And is the champion with the 3rd highest win rate among champions with 10 games or more (first is Camile with 10 games – 70%, Zac is second with 11 games – 66.7%).

The remaining name has a completely opposite fate to K’Sante. If the Top Lane Fighter champion is criticized for being too strong, then Naafiri is considered a failure simply because… too weak and not suitable for any meta. An Assassin general, with a skill set like a combination of Vex and Talon, Naafiri was considered a failure from the moment he was introduced with an unreasonable plot, even destroying his previous plot. group of generals originating from Darkin. Then when this champion was released, the community continued to be disappointed.

Considering the professional arena alone, Naafiri debuted in the second half of 2023 but was only banned twice – selected once and had a 0% win rate. In 2024, up to now, Naafiri has not appeared again. Naafiri is also the champion with the lowest selection rate (0.71%) for ranks from Emerald and above.

Two generals, two fates but they all share the same “error” products of Riot. Therefore, it is understandable that Riot reworked these two names. However, whether they will be improved later or not, perhaps Riot or gamers themselves cannot predict.

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