Valhalla Survival reveals the first images of the game’s gameplay and interface

The game Valhalla Survival developed by Lionheart Studio has released the first images of the gameplay and interface in the game.

If you don’t know, Lionheart Studio is the developer of the popular role-playing game Odin: Valhalla Rising. After the unexpected success, this developer hastily developed a new game based on the IP Odin: Valhalla Rising called Project V – later renamed Valhalla Survival.

Valhalla Survival is a hack-and-slash roguelike game with a dark fantasy setting developed on both PC and mobile platforms. The game has a fast pace and endless monsters, so players can freely hack and slash like the Diablo series. At the same time, players can collect and combine items and skills together to create powerful equipment.

In the newly revealed images of the game Valhalla Survival, players will discover 3 familiar character classes in classic role-playing games: Warrior, Mage and Archer. In particular, the Warrior class will have outstandingly high health and defense, the Wizard class will allow players to continuously launch powerful skills, and the Archer class will have extremely high attack speed and damage. to destroy monsters.

In particular, the graphics in the game Valhalla Survival are also quite impressive and unique. From character creation to monsters, everything is designed in meticulous detail by developer Lionheart Studio. Especially the skill effects in the game are equally unique to give players interesting experiences when exploring.

It is known that the hack-and-slash roguelike game Valhalla Survival will officially launch in the second half of 2024. During this time, the developer will continuously update images and related information to prepare for the game. official launch event. Please follow 2Game to receive the latest announcements about this exciting game.

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