Wuthering Waves earned nearly 10 million USD on the mobile platform in 5 days

Free action role-playing game Wuthering Waves was the most downloaded mobile game in its release week.

On May 22, 2024, Chinese company Kuro Games launched the RPG gacha game Wuthering Waves on PC and mobile. In just five days, Wuthering Waves skyrocketed to earn a staggering $9.74 million in IAP, even after factoring in mobile store fees and taxes, as reported by analytics platform AppMagic .

Wuthering Waves achieved huge downloads. Photo: X.

The game’s main markets are China ($3.7 million), Japan ($1.69 million) and the US ($1.62 million). Wuthering Waves has been downloaded 5.93 million times, most popular in China (1.5 million downloads), US (1.07 million downloads) and Indonesia (443.2 thousand downloads)

Compared to Genshin Impact, Wuthering Waves has achieved significant success, generating more than 24 million USD in revenue within the first 5 days of its mobile release. In addition, the game also garnered an impressive 6.7 million downloads during the same period.

In this game, you will awaken in the form of Rover (male or female optional) and be welcomed by a new world, full of advanced technology and strange landscapes. Unfortunately, humans are no longer the masters of the planet because since the Calament disaster that occurred 100 years ago, mysterious creatures have appeared, spreading destruction and death, leaving the civilization that was once on the edge. brink of collapse. But this was also an age of hope, as the survivors banded together to create new nations, build new cities and factories, with the belief that they would recreate the glory of those days. any.

The game has beautiful character designs. Photo: IGN.

Wuthering Waves is set in a future post-apocalyptic world after a disaster called Lament wiped out humanity and caused unknown creatures and monsters, known as Tacet Discords, to appear. Humanity adapted to the threat and over time rebuilt civilization. The story follows an amnesiac Rover, who wakes up from a deep sleep and begins to explore this new world.

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